Creditcoin Endpoints


  1. Network Name: Creditcoin Testnet

  2. RPC URL:

    • Via Websocket (for Polkadot.js): wss://

    • Via Https:

  3. Chain ID: 102031

  4. Currency Symbol: CTC

  5. Block Explorer URL:

Run a local Creditcoin development node by pulling and running the Docker image from the Gluwa repo:

docker run -p 9944:9944 gluwa/creditcoin3:3.24.0-testnet --dev --rpc-external

  1. Network Name: Creditcoin Local

  2. RPC URL:

    • Via Websocket (for Polkadot.js): wss://

    • Via Https:

  3. Chain ID: 42

  4. Currency Symbol: CTC

  5. Block Explorer URL: None

Last updated