Setting up a Staking Proxy Account

Creditcoin CLI

creditcoin comes bundled with the Creditcoin Docker image and provides the required tools to add, remove and manage Proxy Accounts through its proxy subcommand.

Usage: cli proxy [options] [command]

Commands for managing the proxy system

  -h, --help        display help for command

  add [options]     Add a new proxy
  list [options]    View a list of proxies and their types
  remove [options]  Remove all instances of a proxy
  help [command]    display help for command

Adding proxies

To add a proxy account that can sign extrinsics on behalf of the main account, run the proxy add command with the --proxy option with the address of the account you wish to add and specify the permissions this account will have with the --type flag. Type can be either All, Staking or NonTransfer.

$ creditcoin proxy add --proxy "<proxy account address>" --type Staking

Listing proxies

After adding an account as a proxy, running the proxy list command should return the recently added proxy and any others that have been added in the past.

$ creditcoin proxy list

Removing proxies

Proxies can be removed in a similar way using the proxy remove command.

$ creditcoin proxy remove --proxy "<proxy-account-address>"

Last updated